History In Ink®  Historical Autographs


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Allen, Steve - autographed note signed by the famed comedian and television personality thanking a friend for complimenting his performance on The Steve Allen Show, March 1959, unframed

Armstrong, Neil - the Holy Grail of space autographs:  an uninscribed official NASA portrait of Armstrong, signed across his white space suit, unframed



Bacall, Lauren - pristine 8” x 10” glossy black-and-white signed photo, unframed

Bache, Jules S. - rare typed letter signed to fellow financier S. R. Bertron, 10-24-1921, unframed

Bailey, Pearl - beautiful 8” x 10” glossy publicity photograph of Bailey from the early 1970s, boldly signed, unframed

Baruch, Bernard M. - typed letter signed by Baruch, as chairman of the War Industries Board, regarding the pending Power Bill necessary to American war production, 6-6-1918, unframed

Beecher, Henry Ward - partial autograph letter signed seeking executive clemency for a convict, unframed

Blackmun, Harry A. - Justice Blackmun recounts his experiences with scouting, concluding, “We need so much of this kind of thing these days,” 3-17-1981, unframed

von Blomberg, Werner - rare personal handwritten letter by the German Minister of War and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, 7-1-1938, unframed

Brandeis, Louis D. - large manila envelope hand addressed by Justice Brandeis to send a signed photograph (not present), 12-27-1937, unframed

Brennan, William J., Jr. - extremely nice 8” x 10” embossed panel portrait of Justice Brennan seated at his desk, unframed

Brennan, William J., Jr. - typed letter signed in which Justice Brennan agrees to arrange for a fully-signed Supreme Court photo, 1-5-1973, unframed

Bridges, Styles - typed note signed

Burger, Warren E. - the Chief Justice challenges Harvard law students to surpass their colleagues while congratulating them upon establishment of a Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity chapter at Harvard, 11-10-1981, unframed

Burr, Aaron -  rare, likely unique, bill of exchange representing financing for Burr’s alleged treasonous scheme to sever American territory for a new country under his own rule, 9-17-1806, unframed

Burton, Harold H. - nice inscribed, signed photograph of Burton dated a month into his term as Senator from Ohio, unframed

Burton, Harold H., and Tom C. Clark - extraordinarily rare internal memorandum from Justice Burton to Justice Clark, asking him to cast Burton’s vote on a loyalty case during the era of McCarthyism, April 1951, with Clark’s autographed note of explanation, unframed

Busch, August A., Sr. - lease signed by Busch as Vice President of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, 4-16-1900, unframed

Bush, George H. W. - official White House color portrait of Bush in the Oval Office, almost certainly signed as President, inscribed “Best wishes” to no one in particular, unframed

Bush, George H. W. - uninscribed, signed color presidential portrait of a pensive Bush on the Maine coast, unframed

Bush, George H. W. - ever the politician, the father takes the opportunity to promote the presidential candidacy of his son, George W. Bush, 12-6-1999, unframed

Bush, George H. W. - typed letter signed by former President Bush to congratulate a recipient of the “Daily Point of Light” award, which he created to recognize volunteerism, noting that he “utilized the power of the Presidency to call Americans to service,” 1-13-06, unframed

Bush, George H. W. - the former President cleverly sends his autograph on his personal bookplate, incorporating the title of his book, All the Best, unframed

Bush, George W. - nearly pristine inscribed and signed first edition, first printing copy of Bush’s memoir, Decision Points

Butler, Benjamin F. - bold signature of the Union Major General and Massachusetts Republican representative, co-author of the Civil Rights Act of 1875, unframed

Byrd, Harry Flood, Sr. - typed letter signed 3-6-1958

Byrd, Richard E. - superb typed letter signed from the famed polar explorer to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whom he addresses “Dear Franklin,” reporting on his secret important survey of Southeastern Pacific islands for possible use for airfields for military and post-World War II use, 10-27-1943, with accompanying autograph note signed to FDR’s secretary Grace Tully, unframed

Byrd, Richard E. - inscribed, signed photograph of Byrd at Little America, dressed in fur as he prepares to leave on his 1929 flight to the South Pole, unframed

Byrnes, James F. - scarce signed photograph of Byrnes, as governor of South Carolina, unframed



Cabell, Edward Carrington - autograph letter signed 1-5-1851

Capp, Al - typed letter signed by the cartoonist who created L’il Abner to an editor of The Atlantic Monthly, 7-23-1959, unframed

Carter, Jimmy - excellent content typed letter signed in which the former President explains his commitment to the worldwide work that he and Mrs. Carter were doing through The Carter Center, 3-15-1991, unframed

Castro, Fidel - Castro signs, in person, a copy of the centerpiece of his revolutionary reforms:  the Cuban Agrarian Reform Act of 1959, with documents of provenance, unframed

Chiang, Madame, Archive:

●  Madame Chiang Kai-shek - typed letter signed sending thanks for a homecoming gift, 6-25-1959, unframed

 Madame Chiang Kai-shek - typed letter signed sending President Chiang Kai-shek’s thanks for birthday remembrances and discusses their trip—a dangerous one—to the embattled island of Quemoy, which both Nationalist and Communist China claim, 11-9-1960, unframed

●  Madame Chiang Kai-shek - excellent letter in which Madame Chiang writes of the morale of Nationalist Chinese troops, the cooperation between the United States and the Republic of China, and the bonds of friendship between nations, 2-11-1961, unframed

●  Madame Chiang Kai-shek - Madame Chiang sends thanks for birthday wishes and candy to Nationalist Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek and expresses her delight that her correspondents were back on Taiwan, 11-6-1961, unframed

  Madame Chiang Kai-shek - very fine typed letter with handwritten postscript, signed with both name and initials, 1-6-1962, unframed

●  Madame Chiang Kai-shek - very fine typed letter signed, with three-line handwritten postscript signed again with initials, in which Madame Chiang, a Christian, sends thanks for the gift of a “beautifully bound white engraved Bible,” 1-6-1962, unframed

●  Madame Chiang Kai-shek - three weeks after her husband’s death, Madame Chiang writes of carrying on the “great task” of carrying on Chiang Kai-shek’s “crusade for the defense of freedom,” 4-26-1975, unframed

Chase, Salmon P. - autograph letter signed in which the Chief Justice sends “real regret that I found myself obliged to remain in Wash[ington],” perhaps because of the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson, 6-24-1868, unframed

Clark, Tom C. - typed letter signed, with three-line holograph postscript, identifying possible Washington, D.C., leaders for the American Judicature Society’s annual membership drive,4-17-1968, unframed

Clark, Tom C. and Harold Burton - extraordinarily rare internal memorandum from Justice Burton to Justice Clark, asking him to cast Burton’s vote on a loyalty case during the era of McCarthyism, April 1951, with Clark’s autograph note of explanation, unframed

Clark, Tom C. and Stanley F. Reed - rare internal correspondence between the Justices regarding a 1951 case—an autograph note by Clark and an autograph note signed by Reed, unframed

Cleveland, Frances Folsom - very nice signed Executive Mansion card, unframed

Cleveland, Grover - signed Executive Mansion card likely from Cleveland’s first term, unframed

Clinton, Bill - shortly after the appointment of Kenneth Starr as Independent Counsel to investigate the Clintons’ Whitewater dealings—the appointment that led to his impeachment—the President sends an upbeat letter to his Arkansas cousin predicting that “the end will bring us out all right,” 8-24-1994, unframed

Clinton, Bill - color White House portrait of a youthful Clinton, boldly signed beneath his preprinted signature, unframed

Clinton, Hillary Rodham - typed letter signed as First Lady of Arkansas supporting the AFS / Arkansas Visiting Teachers trip to Costa Rica, 10-18-1989, unframed

1776 Connecticut Revolutionary War Pay Warrant - in the crucial year of 1776, the Connecticut committee authorizes payment for caring for a sick soldier in General Israel Putnam’s regiment, unframed

Corrigan, Douglas “Wrong Way” - boldly penned autographed letter encouraging the efforts of one of the Corrigan Aero Clubs, 8-5-1939, unframed

Corrigan, Douglas “Wrong Way” - vintage autograph letter signed to the president of a Corrigan Aero Club, 1-3-1939, unframed

Curtis, Charles - in a rare handwritten letter, the future Vice President sends his holograph and signature to a college student, 1-22-1895, unframed

Custer, George Armstrong - rare vellum military commission appointing a sergeant in the 7th Cavalry, 2-11-1875, with accompanying archive of military and citizenship documents, unframed



Daniel, Margaret Truman - rare set of three vintage matching The White House cards signed by Harry S. Truman, Bess W. Truman, and Margaret Truman, unframed

Daniels, Bebe and Ben Lyon - scarce vintage photograph of the 1930s Hollywood power couple signed by both, unframed

Darré, Richard Walther and Walther Funk - important association Nazi Party biography of Funk, Nazi Minister for Economic Affairs, with Funk’s letter sending it to Darré, Nazi Minister of Food and Agriculture, who has signed and dated the book

Dawes, Charles G. - beautiful formal portrait of Vice President Dawes, inscribed and signed in jet black ink, unframed

DiMaggio, Joe - beautiful signed photo of the Yankee Clipper reading the 1939 Sporting News proclamation declaring him to be “the perfect player,” framed

Dirksen, Everett McKinley - typed letter signed 1-12-1959

Dirksen, Everett McKinley - typed letter signed 4-16-1962

Dix, John A. - autograph letter signed by the Union Civil War general seeking to help a man find a job, 1-15-1877, unframed

Douglas, William O. - 8” x 10” black-and-white photo of Douglas signed, but not inscribed, beneath the image, unframed

Dumas, Alexandre, fils - autograph note signed by the author of The Lady of CamelliasCamille—expressing his regret at missing a visitor, unframed



Edison, Thomas A. - Edison’s own stock certificate for shares in the Edison Portland Cement Company, signed twice, once with the very scarce signature “Thomas A Edison” and once with “Thos A Edison”

King Edward VIII - The Duke of Windsor - bold handwritten sentiment signed and dated by the former King in April 1951, when he released his memoir, A King’s Story, unframed

Eichmann, Adolf - rare and important war-dated directive by Eichmann to Theodor Dannecker, Nazi head of the Jewish Department in Paris, to create a register of Jews for efficiency in actions against Jews, 9-28-1941, unframed

Eisenhower, Dwight D. - photo signed as President to the Ward Master at Walter Reed General Hospital following Eisenhower’s urgent abdominal surgery in June 1956, unframed

Eisenhower, Dwight D. - presidential letter by Eisenhower during his recuperation from abdominal surgery to the Ward Master at Walter Reed General Hospital, where Eisenhower was treated, 7-14-1956, unframed

Eisenhower, Dwight D. - uncommon unsigned typed letter to New York Times correspondent Felix Belair saying that, after leaving the hospital, the former President would “again be on the firing line,” 10-28-1964, unframed

Eisenhower, Julie Nixon, and Richard M. Nixon - the former President sends a signed first edition copy of his daughter’s book Special People (two pieces), 6-24-1977

Eisenhower, Mamie - typed letter signed as First Lady thanking the Ward Master at Walter Reed Army Hospital for his and the staff’s help during her hospitalization for a hysterectomy, 8-30-1957, unframed

Eliot, T. S. - typed letter signed declining to publish the poems of Howard Nemerov, later a Pulitzer Prize winner, 10-26-1955, unframed

Ellsworth, Oliver, and Jesse Root- excellent association autograph document signed authorizing reimbursement to Root for volunteer soldiers’ wages two days after Washington’s surprise victory at Trenton, New Jersey, 12-28-1776, unframed

Ellsworth, Oliver, and Lt. David Smith - Connecticut pay warrant with excellent Revolutionary War content referring to service at Peekskill, New York, and signed by both Ellsworth and the soldier, 8-5-1777, unframed

Ellsworth, Oliver - outstanding association autograph document signed, a warrant to pay a seven-year veteran Connecticut soldier who served in several important campaigns, including the Siege of Yorktown, 5-18-1778, unframed

Ellsworth, Oliver - Revolutionary War-dated Connecticut pay warrant authorizing payment to a doctor for treating a sick soldier, 5-16-1777, unframed

Evans, Dale and Roy Rogers - classic signed photograph of the Western film and television icons, unframed



Fairbanks, Charles W. - scarce handwritten letter by Theodore Roosevelt’s Vice President commending “the Golden Rule as a rule of action,” 5-17-1898, unframed

Farley, James A. - typed letter signed 3-3-1955

Field, Roswell - superb tongue-in-cheek letter by the brother of Eugene Field over his failure to cash a 40¢ royalty check, 1-15-1900, unframed

Ford, Gerald R. - scarce early campaign letter in which Ford, facing reelection, courts votes in a Democratic precinct that he previously lost 3 to 1, unframed

Ford, Gerald R. - as the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, Ford writes of his support for changing the electoral college system, 7-2-1968, unframed

Ford, Gerald R. - soon to be President himself, Ford writes of the relationship between the President and the Congress, 2-12-1973, unframed

Ford, Gerald R. - photograph of President Ford with a large 4¼” inscription and signature, unframed

Ford, Gerald R. - Easton Press special leather-bound edition of President Ford’s autobiography, A Time to Heal

Ford, Gerald R. and Betty Ford - very fine glossy color photograph of President and Mrs. Ford, signed by both, unframed

Frankfurter, Felix - superb, scarce large-format portrait of Justice Frankfurter by Harris & Ewing, inscribed generically and signed, 5-19-1950, unframed

Fuller, Melville W. - poignant black-bordered letter in which the Chief Justice sends thanks for condolences on the death of his wife, 9-20-1904, unframed

Funk, Walther, and Richard Walther Darré - important association Nazi Party biography of Funk, Nazi Minister for Economic Affairs, with Funk’s letter sending it to Darré, Nazi Minister of Food and Agriculture, who has signed and dated the book



Gardner, Erle Stanley - typed letter signed returning an article proof to the publisher, 1-20-1958, unframed

Garfield, James A. - autograph note signed early in the pivotal year of 1876, when Garfield’s political power was on the rise, 2-25-1876, unframed

Garner, John Nance - typed letter signed by “Cactus Jack” as Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vice presidential running mate referring to his only radio address of the 1932 campaign, 10-24-1932, unframed

George III - nice vellum commission in which the King appoints a lieutenant of volunteers as Great Britain expands its home defense during the Napoleonic Wars, 6-27-1798, unframed

Glenn, John - vintage signed photograph of Glenn in his silver Mercury astronaut spacesuit with an early form of his signature, unframed

Gordon, Anna Adams - the fourth president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union sends an autograph quotation signed by Frances E. Willard, the second president, 3-21-1895, unframed

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader - signed photograph of Justice Ginsburg taken early in her tenure on the Supreme Court, unframed

Green, William - typed ’etter signed by the American Federation of Labor president, addressing a proposal for voluntary wage reduction and the unions support of beer manufacture during Prohibition, 9-9-1931, unframed

Gruenther, Alfred M. - the youngest four-star general in American history, as Chief of Staff of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, signs a printed card bearing the SHAPE insignia and adds his rank and title, March–April 1953, unframed

Gruenther, General Alfred M. - chatty typed letter signed as president of the American Red Cross, sending thanks and comments to a corresondent, 2-4-1957, unframed

Gruenther, General Alfred M. - fun typed letter signed as president of the American Red Cross saying that he “would never presume to compete with a Virginian in a kissing contest,” 4-10-1957, unframed



[Hamilton, Charles]  American Autographs - Scarce, first edition set of renowned autograph expert Charles Hamilton’s premier two-volume American autograph reference set

Hand, Learned - previously unoffered archive of drafts of Hand’s remarks at the dedication of a bust of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter at Harvard Law School, expressing Hand’s own view of the proper role of a judge, 1960, unframed

Harding, Warren G. - beautifully framed presidential appointment document for a District of Columbia judge, 9-12-1922

Harding, Warren G. - The White House card attractive for framing with a nicely centered black ink Harding signature, unframed

Hardinge, Field Marshal Henry, GCB, PC, 1st Viscount Hardinge - letter to The Queen from Viscount Hardinge with Queen Victoria’s signature approving his proposed appointment of a Major General as commandant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 3-12-1852, unframed

Harlan, John Marshall (1899–1971) - infrequently found typed letter signed by the leader of the Warren Court’s conservatives, 9-23-1961, unframed

Harmon, Judson - autograph letter signed by Grover Cleveland’s Attorney General, who responds to a student with interesting comments about individuality and the inner self, 1-29-1897, unframed

Harrison, William Henry - partial autograph letter signed in which Harrison, the 1840 Whig presidential candidate, suggests funding to spread the circulation of a friendly newspaper, which some of his supporters in Congress abused their franking privilege to mail free, ca. 1840, unframed

Hassell, Ulrich von - rare signed book from the personal library of the Nazi diplomat, a dissident executed for his role in the assassination attempt on Hitler, boldly signed by von Hassell with his handwritten note about how he received it, and with his personal bookplate affixed below his handwriting and signature

Hayes, Lucy Webb - extremely rare signed Executive Mansion card, unframed

Hemingway, Ernest - Hemingway signs a photo to one of his hosts during his 1959 trip to Spain to gather new material on bullfights, which led to his last published work before his death, Life magazine’s “The Dangerous Summer,” unframed

Hershfield, Harry - original cartoon sketches, boldly signed and inscribed

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth - autograph note signed by the Northern abolitionist, a supporter of John Brown, referring to his abolitionist activities in Kansas before the Civil War, 4-19-1898, unframed

Hitler, Adolf - scarce early Nazi party document expelling a member for failure to attend an SA meeting, signed by Hitler and Nazi party Supreme Court president Walter Buch, 3-31-1927, unframed

[Hitler, Adolf] - Hitler’s personal war-related books—three concerning Nazi Germany’s military operations during World War II—from his massive personal library

Hoover, Herbert - autograph letter signed to a friend about to depart for Europe, with a rare form of Hoover’s signature, circa 1923, unframed

Hoover, Herbert - signature of Hoover on a Stanford University business card, unframed

Hoover, J. Edgar - vintage typed letter signed offering a lady a clerk’s position in the FBI, 5-5-1951, unframed

Hoover, J. Edgar - Hoover responds to a student, sending a signed photograph and suggesting “an article of mine . . . entitled ‘The Enemy’s Masterpiece of Espionage,’” 1-12-1955, unframed

Höss, Rudolf - extremely rare letter by Höss, the Commandant at Auschwitz, requesting the assignment of more staff officers for the infamous Nazi extermination camp, 7-16-1944, unframed

Howe, Julia Ward - signature of the writer of The Battle Hymn of the Republic on a small card, with a portrait suitable for framing

Hughes, Charles Evans - autograph note signed by Hughes, on his personal calling card, asking the marshal to seat friends in the courtroom, unframed

Hughes, Howard, Sr. - autograph letter signed by the father of the reclusive billionaire to the corporate secretary of his company, 3-28-1916, unframed

Humphrey, Hubert H. - wonderful typed letter signed in which the Vice President seeks Thompson’s views on cooperation with the Soviet Union for “peaceful use of the seas” and congratulates him on his latest appointment as Ambassador, 12-19-1966, unframed

Humphrey, Hubert H. - typed letter signed sending greetings to Ambassador and Mrs. Thompson and commenting on a Colonial Williamsburg party for Virginia’s governor and first lady, 1-22-1970, unframed

Humphrey, Hubert  H. - warm typed letter signed sending well wishes to Ambassador Thompson during his hospitalization, 3-5-1970, unframed

Hunt, Ward - very scarce autograph letter signed in which Justice Hunt, then a New York state appeals commissioner, questions why he received ten copies the state statutes, 12-29-1871, unframed



Irwin, James B. - excellent inscribed, signed color photograph of Irwin, the 8th man on the moon, saluting the American flag on the lunar surface



Jackson, Howell E. - extremely rare handwritten letter—one of only three we have found—by the Supreme Court Justice, as Senator from Tennessee, sends his regrets for his inability to obtain a job appointment for a friend’s son, 12-7-1885, unframed

Jackson, Howell E. - beautiful, scarce signature of Justice Jackson, as Senator from Tennessee, hand dated on an album page, 8-1-1882, unframed

Johnson, Lady Bird - extra fine condition signed White House engraving with an inscription promoting her pet beautification projects

Johnson, Lyndon B. - Johnson, as Vice President, writes of the “full and difficult, but challenging” days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, 11-12-1962, unframed

Johnson, Lyndon B. - typed letter signed as ex-president, from his hospital in San Antonio, thanking a lady for get-well wishes, 3-9-1970, unframed

Johnson, Lyndon B. - heartfelt letter to Jane Thompson, Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson’s widow, replying to her letter after Thompsonʼs death the previous month, 3-8-1972, unframed



Kai-shek, Madame Chiang – see Chiang, Madame

Kefauver, Estes - excellent association letter by Kefauver to the editor of The Atlantic Monthly regarding the Dixon-Yates scandal and congressional investigative power, 8-8-1955, unframed

Kennedy, John F. - heavily hand-corrected pages from JFK’s reading copy of a 1953 Jefferson-Jackson Day speech, early evidence of his effort to make himself known nationwide and position himself to seek the White House, 5-14-1953, unframed

[Kennedy, John F.] - a new discovery nearly 60 years after his assassination:  the last color photograph of President Kennedy before he left Andrews Air Force Base on his fatal trip to Texas on November 21, 1963, unsigned and unframed

[Kennedy, John F.] - typed Senate letter in which JFK seeks to have the Atlantic Monthly publish an excerpt from his “forthcoming book” Profiles In Courage, likely secretarially signed, 8-16-1955, unframed

[King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.] - 1979 Great Americans commemorative issue of the 15¢ American Black Heritage stamp honoring Dr. King alongside a 22-karat gold replica of the stamp, part of the Great Americans series by the Postal Commemorative Association

[King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.] - cacheted first day of issue cover for the 15¢ Black Heritage USA stamp honoring Dr. King



Lamar, Joseph R. - scarce fountain pen signature of Justice Lamar, from the personal collection of Justice Tom C. Clark, unframed

Laurel, Stan - excellent content typed letter signed by Laurel discussing two Laurel and Hardy films, 3-30-1959, unframed

Lee, George Washington Custis - signature of the Confederate major general, son of Robert E. Lee, unframed

Lewis, John L. - on the day he publicly lambasted President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the American Youth Congress, the powerful labor leader declines an invitation, 2-10-1940, unframed

Lilienthal, David E. - glowing, almost poetic autograph letter signed, responding to a correspondent, by Lilienthal, first chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Atomic Energy Commission, 9-19-1973, unframed

Logan, John A. - signature of the Union Major General, who fought at Bull Run, Fort Donelson, Vicksburg, and Atlanta and in Sherman‘s Carolinas Campaign and later helped to prosecute the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson, unframed

Lyon, Ben and Bebe Daniels - scarce vintage photograph of the 1930s Hollywood power couple signed by both, unframed



Marshall, George C. - mezmerizing signed portrait of Marshall, as a five-star general, by famed photographer Philippe Halsman, unframed

Queen Mary of Teck - early autograph letter signed in which the future British queen asks for help with a garden party for friends and neighbors, unframed

McCook, Alexander McDowell - autographed letter signed by the Union Major General, a veteran of First Bull Run, Shiloh, Corinth, and Chickamauga, sending thanks for a letter, 5-8-1895, unframed

McLean, John - on the cusp of the Civil War, the anti-slavery Supreme Court Justice replies to a Massachusetts lawyer, 5-7-1860, unframed

McReynolds, James C. - autograph note directing the Supreme Court marshal to take care of friends, unframed

McReynolds, James C. - fine signature of Justice McReynolds clipped from a letter, unframed

Meir, Golda - 8’ x 10’ photograph of Meir answering reporters’ questions in Los Angeles as part of her official 12-day visit to the United States as Israeli Prime Minister, unframed.

Mellon, Andrew W. - typed letter signed by the former Secretary of the Treasury to a White House social secretary, 3-15-1934, unframed

Minton, Sherman - superb name-dropping autographed letter signed, as United States Senator, regaling a former colleague with tales of the Senate, 4-25-1939, unframed

Minton, Sherman - autograph letter signed 12-14-1939

Mosley, Sir Oswald - in the midst of the Great Depression, the British politician, soon to turn fascist, says that he may speak on “The Economic Position of Britain,” 1-9-1931, unframed

Mulroney, Brian - beautiful inscribed, signed formal portrait of the conservative Canadian Prime Minister, unframed

Murphy, Frank - nice bust portrait of Murphy, taken as Associate Justice, inscribed and signed to noted manuscript collector King V. Hostick, unframed

Muskie, Edmund - beautiful inscribed, signed 8” x 10” bust portrait of the Secretary of State who helped to broker the end to the Iran Hostage Crisis, unframed



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