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Nasser, Gamal Abdel - early letter by Nasser, sending his
autograph, three years after the revolution that overthrew Egyptian King
Farouk I, 5-11-1955, unframed
Niemöller, Pastor Martin -
autographed letter signed on a postcard by
the German anti-Nazi dissident sending birthday greetings to a
friend, 6-15-1976, unframed
Nixon, Pat - official color White House photograph of President
and Mrs. Nixon, inscribed and signed by the First Lady, with her
accompanying typed cover letter on embossed White House stationery,
8-5-1971, unframed
Nixon, Pat - autograph letter signed sending thanks for a
Christmas ornament, unframed
Nixon, Richard M. - signed photo of President Nixon at the height
of his power, delivering his acceptance speech at the 1972 Republican
National Convention
Nixon, Richard M. -
typed letter signed as Vice President
attributing the “the important Republican victory in California” in the 1954
mid-term election to “grass roots campaigning,” 11-24-1954, unframed
Nixon, Richard M., and Julie Nixon Eisenhower - the former
President sends a signed first edition copy of his daughter’s book
Special People (two pieces), 6-24-1977
Nixon, Richard M. - superb autograph note signed referring to his
“long climb upward on the comeback trail,”
Nixon, Richard M. - first edition,
first printing copy of Nixon’s book Leaders inscribed and
signed to a close friend
Nixon, Richard M. - autograph letter signed thanking a friend for
a gift of California navel oranges, 3-21-1988, unframed
Obama, Barack - virtually pristine
bank check signed with a full “Barack” signature, 9-27-2002, unframed
Pepper, Claude - heartfelt typed letter signed sending condolences
to the son upon the death of a former Senate colleague, 10-24-1940, unframed
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh - very scarce typed letter signed
sending thanks for an art print while nonetheless offering to
give it up for charity, 11-19-1982, unframed
Pitney, Mahlon - scarce Court-date signature clipped from a
letter, unframed
Porter, Katherine Anne - exceptional
typed letter signed to her publisher sending a portion of the manuscript for
her novel Ship of Fools and confiding the pressures of
finances and exhaustion as she struggles to finish it. 11-13-1958, unframed
Pound, Ezra - vitriolic typed letter signed to the director of the
Atlantic Monthly Press seeking publication of two of his Cantos,
12-14-1957, unframed
Powell, Colin - extra fine signed photograph of Powell as Chairman
of Joint Chiefs of Staff, unframed
Powell, Colin - beautiful cacheted first day cover honoring
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, signed by Powell in black
Price, Sterling -
court affidavit boldly signed by the
future Confederate general 2-27-1841
Provost, Jon - very fine condition dual-signed photo of Provost as
Timmy, with his co-star, Lassie, unframed
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Rayburn, Sam - excellent World War II-dated letter in which the
powerful Speaker of the House writes of the “marvelous and almost amazing”
war production, 6-7-1943, unframed
Reagan, Ronald - captivating glossy black-and-white photo of a
grinning Reagan, nicely inscribed and signed, unframed
Reagan, Ronald - outstanding political
typed letter signed, dated the day after President Lyndon B. Johnson signed
the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, discussing the effect of Johnson’s show
of force in Vietnam on the 1964 presidential campaign, 8-11-1964, unframed
Reagan, Ronald -
Reagan delivers an assessment of the 1968 Republican National Convention,
claiming credit for doing “much to keep our nominee from moving to the
left,” 9-13-1968, unframed
Reagan, Ronald - handwritten notes for a Reagan speech about
voluntary income tax withholding, written as Governor of California,
Reagan, Ronald - in his only letter with racist terms ever to come on the market, Reagan calls “the black community” the “enemy,” 5-8-1978, unframed
Reed, Stanley F. - superb autographed letter signed to Tom C.
Clark congratulating him on his appointment as an Associate Justice,
8-1-1949, unframed
Reed, Stanley F. and Tom C. Clark - rare internal
correspondence between the Justices regarding a 1951 case—an autograph note
by Clark and an autograph note signed by Reed, unframed
Roberts, Owen J. - nice Supreme Court card signed by the FDR
appointee, unframed
Rogers, Roy and Dale Evans -
classic signed photograph of the Western film and television icons, unframed
Romulo, Carlos P. - typed letter signed regarding his appearance on
the television reality show This Is Your Life, 1-15-1959, unframed
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit - two autographs in one: a four-page
handwritten letter to a former aide of President Roosevelt’s with
signatures on both the letter and the hand-addressed, free-franked envelope,
7-23-1927, unframed
Roosevelt, Eleanor - signed The White House card, with original
mailing envelope postmarked 7-3-1940, unframed
Roosevelt, Eleanor - virtually
pristine free-franked envelope with Mrs. Roosevelt’s full signature, “Anna Eleanor Roosevelt,” 2-24-1949, unframed
Roosevelt, Franklin D. -
outstanding typed letter signed by FDR, seeking the
Democratic presidential nomination, about
“the present tragic economic condition”
and the need for “a return to sanity and stability” near the depth of the
Great Depression, 5-6-1932, unframed
Theodore - typed
White House letter in which TR expresses his
belief in rifle clubs,”
“render a real
and great service to the nation,”
7-5-1904, unframed
Roosevelt, Theodore - typed
letter signed to famed New York social worker John Adams Kingsbury thanking him
for a book, 7-12-1911, unframed
Theodore - exceptional
content typed letter signed encouraging organization of the Progressive Party in
Rhode Island, 4-10-1913, unframed
Root, Jesse, and Oliver
Ellsworth - excellent association autograph document signed
authorizing reimbursement to Root for volunteer soldiers’ wages two days
after Washington’s surprise victory at Trenton, New Jersey, 12-28-1776,
Rusk, Dean - the former Secretary of State writes of Ambassador
Llewellyn Thompson’s “crucial behind the scenes” role during the Cuban Missile Crisis,
11-16-1987, unframed
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. - typed letter signed from the Harvard
historian and presidential aide seeking donation of Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson’s
papers to the JFK Library, 2-6-1964, unframed
Sherman, John - autograph letter signed by the famed Ohio Senator
and two-time presidential cabinet member sending his autograph, 1-14-1895,
Sinclair, Upton - typed letter signed
to his friend and critic, Melville Kress, sending a gift
for suggesting the opening chapter
of his fourth Lanny Budd novel, Wide is the Gate, 3-16-1942, unframed
von Schuschnigg, Kurt - scarce signed
postcard photograph of the Austrian chancellor who opposed Hitler’s takeover
of Austria, unframed
Smith, Alfred E. - large-format signed portrait photograph of
Smith, the first Catholic nominated for President by a major party, unframed
Smoot, Reed -
scarce letter by Smoot, the first Mormon and only church Apostle ever
to serve in the United States Senate, 12-22-1919, unframed
Sotomayor, Sonia - beautiful typed
letter signed by the first Hispanic and Latina Supreme Court Justice, expressing how she
is “moved by the chord my life experiences have struck in so many,” 12-11-2014, unframed
Speer, Albert - Hitler’s chief architect and Nazi Reich Minister
of Armaments sends thanks for reviews likely of his first book, Inside
the Third Reich, 3-24-1971, unframed
Stone, Harlan Fiske - an unusual item
for a Supreme Court Justice—Stone inscribes “Yours for Victory” along with his signature,
an obvious nod to American participation in World War II, but a statement
that might give the appearance of partisanship, ca. 1941–1945, unframed
Sutherland, George - bold sentiment and signature from the closing of
a letter by Sutherland, who led the conservative opposition to the New Deal,
Taney, Roger Brooke - early partially
printed autograph document signed in which
Taney, as a young lawyer, files suit to
collect a debt owed to his client, circa 1807, unframed
Thompson, Maurice - autograph quotation signed by the 19th century
poet and fiction writer, a variation of a verse in his popular poem “A
Prelude,” 10-23-1895, unframed
Truman, Bess -
excellent condition autograph letter
signed to New York Post columnist Leonard Lyons, with original autograph
envelope, unframed
Truman, Bess - very fine condition autograph letter signed, as
First Lady, sending thanks for a gift, 9-17-1949, unframed
Truman, Harry S. - beautifully framed Senate letter in which
Truman sends condolences to a Kansas City widow on her husband’s death,
Truman, Harry S. - 1959 letter with
Truman’s classic signature in a stunning framed display
Truman, Harry S. - President Truman awards the Legion of Merit to
a British signal officer for his work with communications for the important
Yalta Conference among Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin in February 1945,
Truman, Harry S. - extremely rare signed reproduction of the
Chicago Daily Tribune’s 1948 election
night front page boldly declaring
dewey defeats truman,
Truman, Harry S. - excellent content typed White House letter
signed commemorating the anniversary of the Civil Service Act and presaging
Truman’s controversial loyalty program,
1-4-1947, unframed
Tyler, John - rare genuinely
signed presidential document in which Tyler approves the transfer of land from a member of the
Creek tribe, 9-21-1841, unframed
Tyler, John - very nice autograph letter signed as President
introducing the
16-year-old son of a prominent former Senator to the United States minister
to France, 9-28-1841, unframed
United States Supreme Court, 1954 - complete set of engraved Supreme
Court cards signed by the Justices of the Warren Court who unanimously decided
Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark school desegregation case, in
1954, unframed
Van Devanter, Willis - official Supreme Court certification by Justice
Van Devanter attesting to the genuineness of the clerk’s signature on a
document, 6-9-1933, unframed
Queen Victoria - letter to The Queen from
Field Marshal Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge, with Queen Victoria’s
signature approving his proposed appointment of a Major General as commandant in the
Royal Regiment of Artillery, 3-12-1852, unframed
Vinson, Fred M. - typed letter signed by the Chief Justice thanking
Justice Tom C. Clark for a “novel” birthday gift, 1-27-1950, unframed
Vinson, Fred M. - typed letter signed by the Chief Justice to Justice
and Mrs. Tom C. Clark, thanking them for a Christmas gift, 1-4-1950, unframed
von Schuschnigg, Kurt - scarce signed
postcard photograph of the Austrian chancellor who opposed Hitler’s takeover of
Austria, unframed
Wallace, George C. - extra fine condition 8” x 10”
color photograph of Wallace, inscribed and signed as Governor of Alabama,
Westmoreland, William C. - outstanding signed 8“ x 10” formal
color bust portrait of General Westmoreland, in his four-star uniform,
White, Byron R. -
formal portrait photograph inscribed and
signed to a Supreme Court police officer, matted
Wilder, Laura Ingalls and Almanzo J. Wilder
- exceptional archive of contracts and
deeds for the sale of Rocky Ridge Farm, where Laura wrote all
of the Little House books, unframed
Wilder, Laura Ingalls -
receipts written and signed by Laura Ingalls
Wilder for payments on the sale of the Wilders’ Rocky Ridge Farm,
Willard, Frances E. - autograph
quotation signed by Willard, with cover letter by Anna Adams Gordon,
the second and fourth presidents of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union,
3-21-1895, unframed
Willkie, Wendell - black-and-white
portrait photograph of Willkie signed just before he left on a personal mission
to England for Franklin D. Roosevelt in January 1941, unframed
Windsor, Duke of - King
Edward VIII - bold
handwritten sentiment signed and dated by the former King in April 1951, when he
released his memoir, A King’s Story, unframed
Windsor, Duke and Duchess of - album page boldly signed by the Duke
and Duchess in 1956, the year the Duchess published her memoir, The Heart
Has Its Reasons, unframed
Wood, Leonard - very scarce handwritten
letter by General Wood, who with Theodore Roosevelt formed the “Rough Riders,”
referring to the yellow fever outbreak in Cuba during the Spanish-American war,
10-18-1899, unframed
Woods, Rose Mary - friendly typed
letter signed by President Richard Nixon’s secretary who claimed responsibility for erasing part of the Watergate tapes,
8-6-1990, unframed
Worden, Al -
inscribed, signed portrait
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Last Updated 2-3-2025 |