History In Ink     Historical Autographs




Harry S. Truman


Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972.  33rd President of the United States.  First edition copy of Mr. President by William Hillman, inscribed and signed, Harry S. Truman, Independence [Missouri], August 26, 1955. 

Truman has inscribed and signed the book on an inside page beneath a picture of him reading a book at his desk:  "Best wishes to Augusta Meriwether Merrill  /  Harry S. Truman  /  Independence  /  August 26, 1955."  Miss Merrill was a descendant of Meriwether Lewis, whom Thomas Jefferson sent to explore the Louisiana Territory with William Clark in 1803. She was a Kansas City school teacher.

The autograph is pristine, and overall the book is in fine condition.  The dust jacket has some tears and paper loss, as the bottom scan shows.  Miss Merrill's bookplates are inside the front cover, and she wrote her name and address on a back page.  The cover boards and the outer binding are in excellent condition, and the book is tight although there is a binding separation between two of the page signatures.


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