History In Ink     Historical Autographs



Henry Ford

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Henry Ford, 1863-1947.  American automobile pioneer.  Mint condition ink signature, Henry Ford, matted and framed with a photograph.

Ford had an enormous impact on modern society.  A protégé of Thomas Edison, Ford was the chief engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company.  In 1903, however, he founded the Ford Motor Company, which he developed into the largest automobile manufacturing concern in the world.  His creation of the assembly line revolutionized the manufacturing world.  The introduction of the Model T in 1908 made automobiles affordable, within the reach of ordinary Americans, and put America on wheels.

Ford's bold black ink signature is double matted in blue suede, with an inlaid silver fillet, along with a formal portrait photograph of Ford and a silver tone engraved identification plate.  It is framed in an ornate, period-looking silver wood frame.

A History In Ink framed original.

12" x 16".


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